Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, April 6, 2023

Time Draws to an End, the Lord Knocks on the Hearts of Men

Message from Our Lady and God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of April 1, 2023


Most Holy Mary says:

My children, I want to cloak you in Me!

I want to dedicate My All to you!

I want to bring you to My Son Jesus.

Beloved Children, with My help you will attend before My Son Jesus.

I, Mother of Jesus and your Mother, as always come to this place to be with you, in your midst; ... I join My hands to your hands; I take you in Me.

have love for My Son Jesus; love one another, respect one another, share everything.

Beloved Children, the time that now comes will be terrible for those who have strayed from God's Rules. Pray for these souls who are being lost; pray that they will repent in these last moments of life on Earth, in these sinful conditions. Time is drawing to an end, the Lord is knocking on the hearts of men. The Father's verdict is immutable; His time is "this one"! In this time He will intervene with an iron fist to speak His Enough against this unrighteous Humanity. Enough, My Children: Enough!

When God created man He created him in His Image and Likeness, that he might live as God had planned, but man had the weakness to listen to a voice that did not belong to God, and he fell into the dark way where weeping and gnashing of teeth he found, where he still lives in mortification and sorrow.

The Father's Heart beats with love for you: He wants your salvation; adorn yourselves with God's Commandments.

My children, be in compliance with His Rules; do not torment yourselves for all that you have despised in this life, because you have not fulfilled God's Word, for now God will put you in a position to make it right.

Beloved Children, if you do not find in this time, a good priest to confess and give you absolution for your sins, prostrate yourselves before the Crucifix and, with true repentance of heart ask for forgiveness, and I God will absolve you!

I am the One who absolves the sins of His Children, if He deems that they are truly repentant of their sins.

My Children, the time has come for a change of life! The time has come to enjoy Life!

The Heavens are already opening to the descent of the Savior! Soon you will see the Son of Man descending on the clouds in the sky to embrace this Humanity to Himself, embrace His Children.

Those who will have Him respected, followed, loved and worshipped in this life, will be taken by Him and placed at His side: they will reign with Him in a new life, in a new world, where all things will be granted to Him in love.

Have respect for your neighbor!

Have respect for My Mother!

Above all, have respect for your Creator God.

War is advancing My children; everything is now at the gates, all hell is about to break loose on earth! Soon you will hear the voice of God saying his Enough!

Prepare yourselves My children for the time has come, the hour is now!

The Most Holy Trinity, embraced by the Blessed Virgin, blesses you with love and charity.

Source: ➥